FLIR Compact A-series | FLIR A65 Camera
Affordable and compact FLIR cameras
Ax5-Series series cameras are ideal tools for putting thermal imaging to work in an automation or machine vision environment. All models are extremely compact and can easily integrate into a machine vision environment.

The FLIR A65 produces crisp thermal images with 640 x 512 pixels. Users that do not need this high image quality for their application can opt for the FLIR A35, which produces thermal images of 320 x 256 pixels. The FLIR Ax5-Series makes temperature differences as small as 50 mk clearly visible.
GigE Vision is a camera interface standard developed using the Gigabit Ethernet communication interface. GigE Vision is the first standard to allow for fast image transfer using low-cost standard cables, even over long distances. With GigE Vision, hardware and software from different vendors can operate seamlessly over Gigabit Ethernet connections.
The goal of GenICam is to provide a generic programming interface for all types of cameras. Regardless of interface technology (Gigabit Ethernet, Camera Link, IEEE-1394 etc) or features implemented, the Application Programming Interface (API) will always be the same. The GenICam protocol also makes it possible to use third-party software with the camera.
The ViperVenom series of camera enclosures meet standards for an IP67 rating, and additional options are available for customization to your environment. Learn more>>